Friday, May 24, 2013

Phoenix Comicon

Today was day 2 of Comicon in Phoenix and I need to do a quick upload.  First, I met Ed from Making Monsters which was the highlight of the weekend so far.  I love his work.  They had a Halloween booth set up which was amazing.  My daughter and I got to do a quick on camera interview for the Travel Channel which should air in October.  Fingers crossed we make the air.

This is my son and my husband.  Both costumes turned out amazing.  We made both from the ground up and I was extremely pleased with the final result.
 This is Mike Mignola (aka creator of Hellboy) signing my husbands gun and my sons sword.  How cool is that?

 HEHEHE...Khan shot first.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Disney Haunted Mansion Shoes

Here they are!!! My daughter made me some custom Disney Haunted Mansion shoes.

The Disneyland Haunted Mansion front view.

The opening coffin and raven

Madam Leota and the seance room

The singing busts

A hitchhiking ghost and my daughter in the blue hair.

The 13 hour clock

Kroenen Part 2

Okay now the fun part!  I used a faux leather from Joanne's.  I liked this because on the back it looks like actual leather or suede.   I found the pattern for this part on The Replica Prop Forum.
If you haven't been on that site yet, go there immediately.  If you really like costuming, you will thank me.  It is a great site for resources and sharing.

I used a pen to mark where I wanted the grommets would be and started punching a ton of holes!!

I used the industrial velcro to attach the wood pieces to the leather.  I had to come back later and use rivets and hot glue to really seal it down good.

Almost done!!  I still need the buckles for the along the shoulders.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Kroenen WIP

This is going to be really long, so I will split this into several posts.  My family is really into costuming and comicon.  Our goal is to eventually to go to SDCC someday.  :)

So, this year, my son will be going to Phoenix Comicon as Kroenen from Hellboy,  We decided to
go with what is referred to as "clockwork Kroenen" or "library Kroenen".

I started out by going to as many forums as possible for some help on how to go about making this.
The Replica Prop Forum was a huge help.  

So, I started with some very thin pieces of wood.  I roughly sketched out the design that was on the chest piece.  I had originally tried using wood filler and hot glue to make the scroll designs but they weren't turning out as smooth as I had wanted.  I went back and started over with puffy paint.  For some of the sections I needed to go over it twice in order to get a thick line and design.

This is the front chest piece half way completed.

Once I had the areas filled in the way I wanted, I started with a layer of bright gold. 

Once that was dry, I went back and added a black wash and some antique gold rub n buff to really bring out the details.

Mini Electric Chair iPhone Charger

A few weeks ago, my husband threw together a little mini electric chair.  We were going to just put it out as decor, but then decided it would be really cool if we could turn it into a charging station for an iPhone.

So earlier today, he managed to wire it up as an iPhone charger! I am so excited.  It turned out very, very cool.